Sobre nosotros

Filosofía de Dutch Canna S.A.S.

Dutch Canna SAS believes and has the firm conviction that working and growing together with its collaborators, shareholders, suppliers, clients and strategic allies such as small growers and other alliances (stakeholders), will allow it to offer its clients products that generate well-being through of sustainable development, with a high sense of social responsibility and high quality standards to meet national and international expectations, taking into account the diversity and integration of different cultures.


This is how Dutch Canna SAS partners have reflected these ideas in statements of vision, mission, values, policies and code of ethics. Here are some of these aspects.  


Dutch Canna SAS, is a company committed to improving people's quality of life, specialized in the research, development, production and marketing of pharmaceuticals, phytotherapeutic products, dietary supplements, magisterial formulas, cosmetic and toilet products, maintaining high standards of quality in order to guarantee the well-being of our clients, through constant innovation in each of the functional areas of the organization creating value for collaborators, shareholders, suppliers, clients and strategic allies such as small growers and other alliances (stakeholders) . Fulfilling the responsibility we have with the environment, the company and members of society.


Ser para el año 2025 la mejor opción nacional e internacional de adquisición de materias primas y comercialización de productos farmacéuticos, fitoterapéuticos, suplementos dietarios, formulas magistrales, productos cosméticos y de tocador, y derivados de plantas medicinales. Ser un punto de referencia, como empresa innovadora en la obtención de licencias y certificaciones internacionales reconocidas, brindando una excelente calidad en los productos y generando confianza tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.


Disfrutamos, sentimos y nos gusta lo que hacemos, trabajamos con el corazón para contribuir con el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas, tanto a nivel interno como externo de la organización.

We keep up-to-date and at the forefront of advances and developments at a global level, to create processes and develop products that defy the conventional, with the intention that these are useful and allow to generate an impact both internally and on the well-being of the society.

Valoramos la diferencia, el conocimiento y la experiencia de cada uno de nuestros colaboradores      y aliados, creemos en los equipos de trabajo que logran una sinergia colectiva para el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos.

We maintain assertive, clear, timely and useful communication from any point of the organization in order to transmit and fulfill the strategic objectives.

We protect the information provided by each client and interested party, handling it with absolute professional confidentiality, that is, no information is disclosed without prior authorization.

We exercise a reliable and correct conduct where trust and coherence prevail between what is said, done and thought, in an integral and transparent way in all our actions.

We foster an attitude of tolerance that allows us to maintain the dignity of all those involved directly or indirectly with the organization.

We work efficiently and effectively to achieve effectiveness seeking to responsibly benefit our clients, partners and the organization.
